Amazing Bible Timeline

Bible Charts and Maps

$29.97 for one (with free bonuses-see below) or $49.97 for two

The Amazing Bible Timeline was given to our family by Bible Charts and Maps free of charge for the purpose of this review.  I am writing this review as a member of The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew.

This is a very sizable timeline chart.  It measures 37"x45".  When we received it in the mail, I wondered where to put it so we could see it and be able to read it.  There is so much information–Bible and world history together–that the type is small.  We decided to put it on our dining room table and put a clear plastic table cover over it for protection.  The timeline is printed on a very heavy paper with a varnish for protection.  It is not laminated so that it may be rolled for shipping and storage.

As you can tell from the picture, different lines are in different colors.  In the beginning, yellow represents Adam and Seth, blue is for Cain.  Bible references are given for each entry where possible.  Because this has both Biblical and world history together, not all entries will have Biblical references.  The line around 2 o’clock is for The Flood.  Now, the colors are representing Noah’s three sons.  Yellow is for Shem, blue is for Ham, and pink is for Japheth.  At 6 o’clock is the line representing Jesus, dividing the B.C. from the A.D.  In the A.D. time, pink is given two additional tones, the purple-pink representing the Catholic church and the lighter pink representing the Reformation.  There is also an alphabetical index surrounding the lower portion of the timeline.  This was fun for our children to look up the name of someone we were studying or had studied and find them on the timeline and see who else lived at the same time.  It is exciting to realize that Noah was about 10 years old when Adam died.  I am sure he heard many fascinating stories about the "good old days in the garden".

We are not very far in our history studies.  I have never been much of a history scholar or Bible scholar, so I cannot attest to the accuracy of the entries.  Through what I have been studying with my children thus far, everything is matching up.  As I am learning, not all dates, peoples and events are seen by everyone as being the same.  Some groups will feel that this happened first, citing a reference.  Others will feel that their view is the correct one due to___ some other reference.  With 6000 years of history being covered in what is really a small space, someone is bound to find inaccuracies or omissions of what they feel is important.  My personal thoughts are that there are so many resources, all have valid points.  As with anything else we have used in our schooling, there will always be something we choose to omit, present in a different manner or share with our children with a disclaimer.

One of the bonus items we received with the large timeline is a pdf version to view on our computer.  This is presented in 3 pages showing the majority of the timeline.  This can be zoomed for easier reading of the small type.  Another bonus we received was a genealogy of Jesus.  This was presented in two different layouts and are meant to be printed out.  The genealogy was taken directly from scripture.  We also received as a bonus an interactive Holy Land Map.  This has many layers showing different boundaries, etc. throughout history.  This includes some great tips for printing out the maps with some of the layers on transparencies.  We haven’t printed this yet (I hate using ink) but I have it downloaded and ready to go–when I’m not in an ink-hoarding mood 😉

The Amazing Bible Timeline is a great tool we will pull out to use throughout our history learning.  It is presented in a way to be able to see many great civilizations and how they fit together all in one place.  If you are looking for a timeline showing an overview of world history including Biblical history in one (large) sheet, this is the thing for you. 

To see what my fellow Crew mates think of the Amazing Bible Timeline check out this page.

I think timelines are a great way to involve your children in the learning of history.  We are working on one with our Mystery of History curriculum.  I also plan to have each child make their own Book of Centuries on our next time through history.  We plan to repeat every 4 years or so, keeping all of the children together regardless of their age.